Media Ownership, Insurgency, Culture Jamming
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In your reading for this week, I've asked you to learn about the tension between notions of property (intellectual property, media ownership) and our hopes for a more democratic culture and society. Discuss some of those tensions and the resolutions here, referring back to the reading for the week. What are some of the tensions these groups and individuals see between property rights and other rights (to free expression, education, self-determination, equality, etc)? What resolutions do they propose? What are the strategies they employ? How do their strategies differ based on their circumstances? Do you see differences in each group's relationship to internet technology and culture? Do they have different visions of a better future?
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by: MarcBousquetMarcBousquet
08 May 2009 16:53
56 by franwikifranwiki
01 Jun 2009 02:13 Jump!
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